The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC
Attorney in Weston, WV

General Information for The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC

Location: The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is located at 217 E. 3rd Street in Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, directly across the street from Family Dollar and right beside Go-Mart.
Parking: Between the Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC and Go-Mart is an alley that will lead you to our parking area.
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The office is closed daily from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
After Hours Drop Box: If you need to drop off information after hours, please use the locked box on the front porch facing Family Dollar. Please remember to label items you place in the box with your name and telephone number.
Handicap Accessible: The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC is handicap accessible.
Payment Methods: The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC accepts cash, checks, credit cards and money orders for retainer payments, and only cash for consultations.
The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is happy to consult with your about your legal concerns. To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.

What is a consultation?

A consultation is the initial meeting with an attorney that takes place before you make the decision on whether to hire that attorney to represent you in your particular legal matter. During this meeting, you may ask questions of the attorney and receive advice on how to proceed.
What happens after the consultation?

After the consultation, if you have a viable legal claim that the attorney is willing to pursue, you will be offered a Legal Representation Agreement. Unless the Legal Representation Agreement is signed and your retainer fee is paid, the attorney will take no action on your case.
Is there a fee for a consultation?

The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC charges a consultation fee for most types of consultations; however, there are exceptions.
How do I schedule a consultation?

To schedule a consultation, call 304-517-1460 and The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC’s friendly staff will schedule your consultation.
Attorney Trena Williams is a skilled and experienced
Family Law Mediator and a Civil Litigation Mediator.

What is mediation?

Mediation is an informal, non-adversarial process wherein a neutral third party, the mediator, assists the parties to resolve, by agreement, some or all of the differences between them. The mediation process is a confidential process. The mediator is not permitted to tell anybody about anything that occurs during the course of mediation. The mediator cannot tell the judge, your attorney, your mother, or your friend any details about the mediation.
The only information provided by the mediator to an outside source is a one page form letter that states that the parties either did reach an agreement or did not reach an agreement. If the parties reach an agreement, it will be reduced to writing and provided to each party so that he and/or she may provide the same to the court. The mediator cannot be called to testify about what is said or done during mediation by either party.

How can Attorney Trena Williams assist you in mediation?

Attorney Trena William’s role during the mediation is to encourage and assist the parties to reach their own, mutually acceptable agreement, to facilitate communication, to clarify issues and interests, to identify information to be collected or exchanged, to foster joint problem solving, to explore settlement alternatives, and to tailor the mediation process to suit the needs of the parties. During the mediation process both parties shall have an equal opportunity to talk and express desires.
How do I schedule mediation?

To schedule a mediation, call 304-517-1460 and The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC’s friendly staff will schedule your consultation.
Family Law Attorney in Weston, WV

The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC knows and understands that going through a divorce can be an exhausting, emotional rollercoaster, with you experiencing a wide range of emotions including anger, resentment, fear, joy and sadness, all while needing to prepare to protect your children and your assets.
Attorney Trena Williams is a skilled and experienced Family Law Attorney. The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is happy to represent you in your family law needs. To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
What qualifies as “Family Law”?

Family Law is a broad category that encompasses all matters of Divorce, Establishing a Parenting Plan, Modification of a Parenting Plan, Establishing Child Support, Modifying Child Support, Establishing Paternity, Division of Marital Assets, Establishing Spousal Support and Modification of Spousal Support.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me in a divorce case?

Attorney Trena Williams is knowledge about all grounds for divorce, including no fault and fault based grounds, in the State of West Virginia, and will assist you in gathering and presenting the documentation and evidence you need to succeed.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me in a child custody case?

Your child is unique and has unique needs. Attorney Trena Williams is experienced in developing individualized parenting plans that will serve the best interest of your child and maximize your parenting time.
If you already have a parenting plan and need to modify the plan, Attorney Trena Williams is fully versed in the requirements needed to modify your existing parenting plan and will assist you in gathering and presenting the documentation and evidence you need to succeed.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me with child support?

The proper calculation of child support requires a meaningful review of each parent’s income, together with several other factors. Attorney Trena Williams is knowledgeable and proficient in helping her clients obtain all of the documentation and evidence needed to obtain a fair calculation.
After child support is set by the court, there are times that one parent will become unemployed, underemployed or receive a promotion and pay raise. Attorney Trena Williams can assist you in gathering and presenting the documentation and evidence you will need to adjust your child support obligation.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me to establish paternity?

The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC can help your establish paternity for your child with DNA testing. Establishing paternity is a necessary first step to establishing a parenting plan and setting child support.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.

How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me to divide the marital assets?

Division of marital assets in a divorce case requires special attention to detail and knowledge of how to determine the origin and value of your assets. Attorney Trena Williams is knowledgeable and proficient in helping her clients obtain all of the documentation and evidence needed to obtain a fair distribution of the marital estate.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
How can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help with spousal support?

Unlike child support, West Virginia has not adopted a universal formula to establish spousal support, but instead requires the court to consider and weigh several factors in making a determination. Attorney Trena Williams is knowledgeable of those factors and can assist you in gathering and presenting the documentation and evidence you will need.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Can The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, prepare my Last Will and Testament?

Attorney Trena Williams is a skilled and experienced attorney who can help you eloquently and legally distribute and your estate as you see fit. Having a Last Will and Testament that meets all requirements of West Virginia law will assure that your wishes are honored.
The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is happy to assist you. To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
What types of Powers of Attorney does the Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC prepare?

Attorney Trena Williams offers assistance in preparing Medical Powers of Attorney and Durable Powers of Attorney.
A medical power of attorney allows you to select the person you want to make your medical decision for you when you are unable to do so.
A durable power of attorney allows you to select the person you want to make your business, legal and financial decisions for you when you are unable to do so.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Can the Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, prepare my Living Will?

Attorney Trena Williams offers assistance in preparing Living Wills. A Living Will sets forth your end of life directives regarding life support, feeding tubes, etc.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Legal Assistance for Elderly and Incapacitated Individuals

Attorney Trena Williams offers assistance to those caring for an elderly parent, adult sibling or adult child who does not have capacity to make his or her own decisions and never prepared a power of attorney. Because the individual does not have capacity, preparation of a Power of Attorney is not an option and a Guardianship and/or Conservatorship will be necessary.
The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is happy to assist you. To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
What is a Guardianship and Conservatorship?

A guardianship is when someone is legally given responsibility by a judge to make decisions regarding another person’s health care and/or daily life. A conservatorship is when someone is legally given responsibility by a judge to make decisions regarding another person’s assets.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Deeds for Real Estate and Property Transfers

West Virginia real estate law recognizes several types of deeds, including, but not limited to: outright conveyances of ownership, deeds gifting real estate to children, deeds allowing individuals to hold property as tenants in common, deeds allowing individuals to hold property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, deeds reserving a life estate interest, deeds to a business entity, and transfer upon death deeds.
The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, is happy to assist you in selecting and preparing the deed that meets your needs. To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Can the Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC help me decide what kind of deed is best?

Attorney Trena Williams can assist you in deciphering between the different types of deeds that exist and pick the best option for your unique needs.
To schedule a consultation, please call 304-517-1460.
Can the Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC perform a title search?

The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC does NOT offer title search services or the preparation of deeds of trust.

About Trena Williams, Attorney in Weston, WV

Attorney Trena Williams is a long time resident of Lewis County, West Virginia. She graduated from Lewis County High School in 1999 and earned her bachelor’s degree from Glenville State College in 2002. In 2005, she graduated from West Virginia University College of Law, passed the state bar exam in July 2005 and was admitted into the West Virginia State Bar in October 2005.
Following graduation from West Virginia University College of Law, Trena Williams, worked for a firm in Morgantown, West Virginia until 2009, when she packed up her practiced and moved home to Lewis County, West Virginia.
Trena Williams has owned and operated The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC, since 2009 in Weston, West Virginia.

Family Law Services and More for These Areas in West Virginia

- Lewis County
- Upshur County
- Harrison County
- Randolph County
- Gilmer County
Contact The Law Office of Trena Williams, PLLC when you need a lawyer in Weston, WV.